Holding an explanatory and training meeting with the presence of the provincial selection core manager.


 According to the public relations of the university, Engineer Mousavi, the head of the selection nucleus in Qom province, held a meeting with the board of directors of Qom Industrial University, where a briefing and training session for university staff was conducted in the Shahid Akhundi conference hall. In this meeting, Engineer Mousavi regarded human resources as a great asset for executive agencies and added: in the organizations of the Sacred Islamic Republic of Iran, value-driven individuals should be engaged in activities. He further stated: in Europe and America, personnel are also selected to ensure that the best human resources are chosen. Engineer Mousavi mentioned: in the early days of the Islamic Revolution, selections were carried out excessively and insufficiently, but due to the prudence and directives of Imam Khomeini (RA), the selection nucleus was established. This nucleus has been formed politically, ideologically, ethically, and professionally to ensure that the most suitable individuals are employed in organizations. This meeting concluded with questions from the audience directed at Engineer Mousavi.